sábado, 22 de noviembre de 2008

Programa piloto 0.1: 06-11-08

Capítulo 0.1 de Programa Piloto (1h08'24"):

01. Klaus&Kinski "Mengele y el amor"
02. Klaus&Kinski "Flashback al revés"
03. Al Green "I wanna hold your hand" (The Beatles cover)
04. Ainara LeGardon "Hope defeated"
05. Audience "Playing sad our songs"
06. Audience "B wants to play"
07. Justin Townes Earle "Hard livin"
08. The Grave Yacht Club "Hangin' on you"
09. Micah P. Hinson "When we embrace"
10. Challenger "All"
11. The Bellrays "Psychotic hate man"
12. The Muslims "Call it a day"
13. Chuck Ragan "Wreck of the old '97" (Johnny Cash cover)
14. Russ Rankin "I walk the line" (Johnny Cash cover)
15. Joan as Police Woman "To be loved"
16. The Madd "Jump now"
17. Challenger "Police on my back" (The Equals cover)
18. Tony Ronald "Dejaré la llave en mi puerta"


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